Sunday, 27 November 2022

PSIR HPAS Mains 2012 Question Paper

 Political Science and International Relations 

HPAS Mains 2012

Paper I

Time : 3 Hrs Max Marks : 150

Note: Attempt 5 ques in all. Ques no. 1 is compulsory. All question carry equal marks.

1.     Make a comparison between the working of Parliamentary and Presidential form of governments. To whom do you consider better and why?

2.    Critically examine Austin's theory of Sovereignty. Why have pluralists rejected his notion ?

3.    Discuss about the different electoral systems. Which one you consider is the best and why?

4.    Define the concept of 'Power' and 'Authority. Differentiate between the two. Explain how use of power without authority can be dangerous ?

5.    "Preamble reflects the basic philosophy of Indian Constitution. " Comment.

6.    Critically examine the emergency powers of the Indian President, Can he become dictator "

7.     What are the major problem areas in Centre-State relations in India? Suggest remedies to resolve such Problems.

8.    Describe about different trends in working of Indian Political Parties. Has globalization diminished the divergent ideological moorings of these political parties. ?