Political Science and International Relations
HPAS Mains 2011
Paper I
Time : 3 Hrs Max Marks : 150
Note: Attempt 5 ques in all. Ques no. 1 is compulsory. All question carry equal marks.
Paper II
Time : 3 Hrs Max Marks : 150
Note: Attempt 5 ques in all. Ques no. 1 is compulsory. All question carry equal marks.
1. Describe the process of decolonization and reemergence of of new nations. Examine how it transformed the nature of international politics?
2. Discuss in detail the origin of non aligned movement. Also explain the difference dimensions of this movement.
3. Critically examine the various issues of conflict between the countries of 'North' and 'South'. Discuss about the strategies to resolve them.
4. What is UN peacekeeping? Describe the India's contribution in this process.
5. What are the approaches to study of federalism? Discuss the evolving nature of competitive to cooperative federalism in USA.
6. "British political system is more governed by conventions by rule." Comment.
7. Critically examine the role of People's Liberation Army in the political system of China.
8. Pressure groups function according to the political culture of the system? Explain it in the light of their working in the political systems of liberal and communist countries.